Walk Audit 101

On this walk, John will talk about the pedestrian's experience on walking routes and crossings and how to evaluate the walkability of street and intersection design.  We will walk along Rideau St and adjacent streets to examine examples of good and bad features related to "walkability." We will compare and contrast Rideau and York Streets with respect to walkability, and we'll consider whether and how pedestrian shortcuts might contribute to traffic calming plans. 

We will also review methods used by Walk Ottawa, the Council on Aging, and Ecology Ottawa to gather input on pedestrian needs and experience. As a participant, you will learn about how to get City action on pedestrian deficiencies and how to organize a walkability audit process for your neighbourhood.

Carte indiquant le point de départ

Beginning at the Rideau St branch of the Ottawa Public Library, we will walk west on Rideau St toward the Byward Market then return east along York St back to Nelson St. 

Au sujet du guide

Along with his understanding from a lifetime of experience in the urban environment, John Woodhouse has been doing fieldwork in this area for seven years.  

John has been a regular contributor to Walk Ottawa, a local citizen's group that monitors pedestrian infrastructure.  He often posts to the Walkability Ottawa Facebook page about pedestrian issues and related concerns.  



John Woodhouse

Date:sam 4 mai, 2019
Durée: 1 heure 30 min
Langue: anglais
Début:Rideau St. branch, \n Ottawa Public Library
Fin:Corner of York & Nelson
Quartier:Rideau St East/Byward Market
Distance:1.0 km

Completely accessible to wheelchairs.

Galerie d'images
Sidewalks designed for cars rather than pedestrians.  The wavy surface makes it harder to walk over, and is more dangerous when icy.
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