Fletcher Wildlife Garden

Let's see what's happening in the wildlife garden on a spring day.  We'll divide participants into smaller groups, and each will visit two or three of the various habitats at Fletcher: amphibian pond, evergreen woods, pollinator garden, butterfly meadow, old woodlot, and the backyard garden. 


Carte indiquant le point de départ

Meet in the parking lot beside the baseball field at the Fletcher Wildlife Garden on the east side of Prince of Wales Drive.  

To get to Fletcher Wildlife Garden:  From Dow's Lake, take Prince of Wales Drive south past the traffic circle.  The entrance to the Fletcher Wildlife Garden is north of Baseline Rd. and is marked with a sign showing the Garden's heron logo.  Bus route 85 stops at Carling and Preston, near Dows Lake; from there, it’s a 20-minute walk to the garden.  Detailed directions to the Fletcher Wildlife Garden by car or by public transportation can be found on our website https://ofnc.ca/programs/fletcher-wildlife-garden/about-the-fwg/visiting

We will visit several of the habitats at Fletcher Wildlife Garden.  There is an aerial view with the areas labelled is available:  Habitat areas in the Fletcher Wildlife Garden.

The walk will follow dirt or wood-chip-covered paths that include up-and-down slopes.  If the weather is wet, it may be muddy in places.  Choose your footwear accordingly.

Here is a map showing the trails through the garden (a larger version can be found here).




Map showing location of public washrooms at the Experimental Farm. 

Please review our covid guidelines before attending a walk.
Au sujet du guide

The Fletcher Wildlife Garden is a long-term project of the Ottawa Field-Naturalists' Club established in 1990. Visitors and the volunteers who work there value the garden as an urban oasis of biodiversity and calm. 


Lynn Ovenden et Edward Farnworth

Date:dim 8 mai, 2022
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:Fletcher Wildlife Garden parking lot, beside baseball field
Quartier:Central Experimental Farm
Distance:0.75 kms

The walk follows unpaved paths with frequent slopes and possible muddy patches.

Galerie d'images
Walking through the Fletcher Wildlife Garden, Jane's Walk 2019 Wildflowers bloom on the forest floor, Fletcher Wildlife Garden. A dead tree provides visual interest along the path, Fletcher Wildlife Garden. A Jane's Walk group at the pond in the Fletcher Wildlife Garden.  Another group is seen on the far side of the pond.
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