Ottawa’s By Ward Market: Will 200 years of Heritage (1827-2027) Have a Future?

Join Barry Padolsky for a “Hyde Park Corner Urban Forum” on the challenges and future of the Ottawa’s historic Market founded in 1827. Barry has invited the following special guests to take a turn on the "soapbox": 

  • Stéphanie Plante, City Councilor, Rideau-Vanier Ward
  • Zach Dayler, Manager, By Ward Market Authority
  • Peter Tilley, CEO Ottawa Mission
  • Alain Miguelez, Vice-President, Capital Planning, National Capital Commission
  • Dick Brown, Former President, Ottawa Tourism.

This special Jane’s Walk Forum will explore the history, delights, and current challenges to Ottawa’s

beloved By Ward Market. It will pose questions about the decline and de facto extinction of the

outdoor Farmer’s Market and the precinct’s twin crises of homelessness and public safety. Will the

proposed exemption of outdoor market stall fees bring back the farmers? Will the City’s Public

Realm Plan approved in 2021 and the proposed replacement of the City’s parking garage building

with a “Destination Building” be realized or just join the library of unfulfilled City plans in the City’s

Archives? And what about the City’s new By Ward Market District Authority (BMDA)? Will this latest

version of administering the By Ward Market make a difference? Is the By Ward market over-

governed or just poorly governed? And what are the prospects for By Ward’s economic recovery by

2027, the 200th anniversary of the founding of Colonel By’s Market?

I think you will find this discussion very timely. Be prepared to join the conversation about the

past and future of Ottawa’s most colourful precinct! Share your ideas!

Carte indiquant le point de départ

We'll gather on the William St. Plaza at the corner of William and York Streets.. (Note the change of venue from previous years!)

Au sujet du guide

Barry Padolsky, B.Arch M.Sc (urban design) OAA, FRAIC, CAHP, RCA, is an Ottawa-based urban designer, and heritage consultant. From 1969 to 2022 his architectural firm carried out more than sixty restoration and adaptive re-use projects on heritage buildings in the National Capital. Examples include the Canadian Museum of Nature, the By Ward Market Building, and landmark bridges such as the Bank Street Bridge over the Rideau Canal. His firm has won 43 architectural awards including 29 for heritage conservation. Barry is a tireless advocate for the conservation of our built heritage and served on the City of Ottawa Built Heritage sub-committee from 2013 -2023. Barry was recognized with the Order of Ottawa in 2021.  


Barry Padolsky

Date:sam 4 mai, 2024
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:William St. Plaza, at William & York Sts
Quartier:ByWard Market
Distance:0.0 kms

This walk will remain in the Williams St Plaza.

Galerie d'images
The William St. Plaza in the By Ward Market, where the walk will take place. Poster for Barry Padolsky's 2024 'Urban Forum' in the ByWard Market. ByWard Market Walk 2016. Barry is in foreground (green hat, black jacket). Barry Padolsky
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