Medicinal and Edible Plant Walk

Come learn about the many common edible and medicinal wild plants growing right in your neighborhood! Herbalist and nutritionist Corrie Rabbe from Radical Health will identify and teach about local and sustainable plant medicine and food in the beautiful Riverain Park. She will share tips and recipes for the safe use of wild plants. 

Carte indiquant le point de départ

From the Adàwe Crossing, we will head south, meandering through the park and stopping often throughout. We will do a loop, heading back north towards the Adàwe bridge where the walk will finish. 

The route is flat, but we will be walking across the grass. If conditions are wet, it may be muddy, which will make it difficult for some. Please dress for the weather and wear sturdy shoes!

Au sujet du guide

Corrie Rabbe is a local plant lover and has studied herbalism through formal learning, but more importantly, has learned about plants through hands-on experience. She is passionate about sharing her herbal knowledge with her neighbours. Corrie is a Certified Nutritional Practitioner who teaches Herbal Medicine at the Institute of Holistic Nutrition and runs her own business, Radical Health.


Corrie Rabbe

Date:dim 5 mai, 2024
Durée: 1 heure 30 min
Langue: anglais
Début:the east end of Adàwe Crossing, near the Rideau Sports Centre
Distance:1.0 km

The route includes grassy areas; there may be muddy spots.

Galerie d'images
Corrie harvesting rose hips Dandelion blooms and greens / fleurs et feuilles de pissenlit Wild raspberries / framboises sauvages
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