Follow the Bees to the Frank St Bee & Butterfly Garden

The Frank Street Bee & Butterfly Garden exists to provide a beautiful space to build friendships and community, where we share ways to support local pollinators and ecosystems. Bare ground is so scarce in urban areas like Centretown that it is even more important to learn how to care for it with your neighbours. Join us for a short walk through our main garden on Frank St and the new pollinator pathway gardens we started this year. Come hear how we started small, how our incredible volunteer team expanded our vision, and how we'd like to bloom in the future.

Carte indiquant le point de départ

We'll meet in front of 380 Frank St. After a careful look at our main garden there, we will walk over to our pollinator pathway gardens near Gladstone & Elgin, 330 Metcalfe St., and 415 Maclaren, before returning to 380 Frank.

Accessibility: The walk will follow city streets and sidewalks. We'll avoid roads under construction. The event is outdoors and we recommend wearing a mask. Extra masks will be available. We can expect normal city traffic noise.

Find out more about the Frank St. Bee & Butterfly Garden

Au sujet du guide

Sam is one of nine organizers of the Frank St Bee & Butterfly Garden. The organizers spend a lot of time on Frank St. and nearby streets and we're constantly energized by the joy our neighbours get from urban environmentalism. Sam personally organizes activity around the garden as a form of anti-capitalist environmentalist praxis focused on community and resource-sharing.

Carlos is one of the founders of the garden, and is himself a flower child growing wild.


Sam Rohe et Carlos Murray

Date:dim 5 mai, 2024
Durée: 1 heure
Langue: anglais
Début:380 Frank St
Distance:2.0 kms

The walk will follow city sidewalks with normal city traffic noise levels.

Galerie d'images
A bumblebee collecting nectar and pollen from a bloom. Volunteers at work on a gardening project. Lush summer growth at the Frank St. Bee & Butterfly garden on Frank St. near Bank St. Pollinators at work in the Frank St. Bee & Butterfly garden.  Frank St. gardeners take pride in their work! A butterfly settles on the black-eyed susans.
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