Bike Tour: Buildings by John W.H. Watts, Architect

Alexander Fleck House, 593 Laurier Ave West
A bike tour of buildings designed by John W.H. Watts Architect, one of the most successful architects in Ottawa at the turn of the last century. We will cycle across downtown from Bronson Ave to Charlotte St., stopping at four houses that Watts designed. These are:
- 593 Laurier Ave West, at the top of Nanny Goat Hill
- the Booth House at 252 Metcalfe St
- Australia House at 407 Wilbrod St
- the Fleck-Paterson House (the Chancellery of the Algerian Embassy) at 500 Wilbrod St.
The majority of this tour will be along bike lanes. It will be a fun way to discover the designs of Watts and his contribution to Ottawa's architectural heritage.
These buildings are included on a tour posted on my bike blog.