Discovering the O-Train Trillum Multi-Use Path (MUP)

Ten years ago, we led a walk that asked “Can a multi-use path become a linear park and help shape a neighbourhood?” At the time, we reflected that there were few opportunities to create new greenspace within the downtown urban core, but the Trillium path was such a place. A decade later, this walk will look back and see what progress has been made and what is yet to come.

The Trillium Multi-use Pathway runs along the west side of Ottawa’s Little Italy neighbourhood, an area that has one of the lowest per capita park space in the city. That shortage is only going to become more pronounced as the dramatic intensification in the area continues. 

It follows the east side of the O-Train rail cut from Carling Ave. to the Kichi Zibi Mikan (formerly the Sir John A. Macdonald Parkway), connecting Dow's Lake park to the recreational paths along the Ottawa River and the Chief William Commanda pedestrian bridge.

A lot has happened in ten years. The first part of the pathway was opened in 2013, and since then it’s been expanded and has become a core part of the neighbourhood. It will continue to evolve with the opening of the new LRT stations, and as substantial new developments are constructed. None of this was or is certain, and has taken constant and consistent community support for it to happen.

This walk will have frequent stops to explain some of the infrastructure new to the city, some of the good and some of the bad. 

Michael was interviewed by Robin Bresnahan on CBC's Ottawa Morning. Listen.


The walk will cover nearly the entire length of the O-Train pathway, which runs from Carling Ave. to the Kichi Zibi Mikan. We will convene outside the Dow's Lake O-train station (formerly the Carling Station) on the north side of Carling Ave just west of Preston St., and we'll walk north along the pathway. The tour will end at the parking lot at City Centre, with the option to continue the discussion at the Art-Is-In Bakery cafe. 

About the walk leader

Michael was chair of the city’s Roads and Cycling Advisory Committee and is president of the Dalhousie Community Association. He has been a member of the public advisory committees on the O-train path and the transportation and development plans for the area. 


Michael Powell

Date:Sat May 4, 2024
Time:9:00 AM
Duration: 1 hour
Language: English
Start:Entrance to Dow's Lake Station
End:City Centre Parking Lot
Area:Little Italy
Distance:1.5 kms

The walk follows a paved pathway.

The William Commanda pedestrian bridge connecting the recreational multi-use pathways on the Ottawa side of the river to those on the Gatineau side.
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